Sunday, July 8, 2012

And the Answer Is....

It's nice when God gives you a little glimpse of why His plans aren't ours.  I had a moment today where I realized why my answer to "but I want it now" is "not yet, wait"  A very wise friend today observed that a wedding in 4 months consumes your life.  Tonight, I had the awesome privilege of hosting a brainstorming session for a young adult small group in our church.  As we talked and laughed and afterward I was able to enjoy some girl time with the girls in the group while chatting about future wedding ideas and plans I realized something.  With an answer of "not yet, wait" God opened up an opportunity to build relationships that in the rush of a quick wedding I'd miss.  I never had the opportunity to have the excitement of the girly moments that come with prom or cotillion.  I had no idea not only the fun and excitement the preparation could bring, but the way that sharing those moments can bring you just a little closer.  Had I rushed had I dug in my heels and insisted that I needed that immediate result I'd be in the middle of stressfully scrambling to piece together the quickest way to achieve my goal and sacrificing so much more than the photographer or reception location of my choice.  I'd be giving up the opportunity to develop relationships with some very special people.  I'd be so torn in so many directions that I'd be unable to do my part to build a strong foundation for this small group that I've been given the privilege of leading.  Not that it's all about me, but face it as girls there's just something that makes us connect differently when there's a special event taking place.  I find myself looking forward to the next several months as our small group grows and those relationships continue to develop into deeper friendships.  A far cry from the feeling of pressure that I found myself faced with in the face of pushing for that immediate result.  I look forward to seeing what the next revelation is on this journey that God has for me.  So no.... as misleading as the title might have been there's still no set date yet, but I think we're getting a little closer....  Stay tuned for updates!

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